
3M1250  Strip Indicator Internal Comply 240/bx 8Bx/cs 3M

Product: 3M1250 Manufacturer: 3M Healthcare Stock Item? No

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  • Chemical Indicator Strip for steam. Perforated; 5/8 inch x 8 inch. Designed to monitor exposure to steam and EO conditions in a pack. Provides a visual color change to validate that the sterilant has penetrated to the point of placement in the pack and confirm that sufficient exposure conditions have occurred. A multi-parameter chemical indicator printed with a long strip of indicator ink for a wide area of monitoring in the pack. The chemical indicator goes from a gradual, distinct, off-white to dark brown/black color change and has a color reference standard. The strip can be separated easily at the perforation mark to convert to a short strip. This chemical indicator monitors all 121 degree Celsius/250 degree Fahrenheit and 134 degree Celsius/272 degree Fahrenheit gravity and vacuum-assisted steam sterilization cycles.

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