
WA41100  Transilluminator Finoff 3.5V Halogen Welch Allyn

Product: WA41100 Manufacturer: Welch Allyn Inc Stock Item? No

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  • Welch Allyn 3.5v Finnoff Transilluminator Model 41100. Halogen HPX illumination and fiber optic light transmission for easy exams. Instruments which provide 30% brighter, whiter light output and fiber optic light transmission for superior views. Features: Halogen HPX lamp provides 30% more light output, for true tissue color and consistent, long-lasting illumination; Fiber optic light transmission for cool distal light; Fully sterilizable with steam, water, gas, and solutions; Optional cobalt blue filter. Key Components: 3.5v Finnoff Transilluminator; 3.5v Halogen Lamp (Model WA03100-U); 3.5v Curved All-purpose Transilluminator. Warranty: Welch Allyn will repair or replace, free of charge, any parts of its own manufacture proven to be defective through causes other than misuse, neglect, damage in shipment, or normal wear.

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